I got a LOT of requests. I can’t express my gratitude for your interest in my panties pattern.
Please note, I’m new to self-hosted sites and emails. Some of you may not have received my answer. But I wrote to everyone! If you haven’t heard from me, please, please check your Junk or Spam folders! If there is still no answer, please comment and I will check and answer here.
I would also like to address those who were not picked. I hope I have not disappointed you. There were so many requests, I almost got lost! I believe there will be more patterns to test! I hope to give everyone a chance.
A first glance at the testers feedback
- except one size, I got at least one request for every size;
- crotch is a bit too wide;
- front is a bit too low;
- more texts are needed on the pattern sheet;
The testing period is for the whole month of March! Too much for a panties pattern?
Thank you for the chace to test your new patterns. Maybe hope to be able to test a future garment having missed out on the bra and panty. Also thank you for the free patterns. You are the best!
Jeanette, I’m sorry I haven’t picked you! Strongly considering you for my next patterns! Thank you for your kind words 🙂
Unfortunaltely I didn’t get your email
Thank you, Stephanie for commenting. Your size was already taken. I hope will give my pattern a chance once it’s out.